
Showing posts from May 28, 2023


 Maryam ta juya ta kalli kwankwason Farida, ta ganshi makeke. Sai tace, "sunan bikin mu "A GIRGIZA KWANKWASO". RANAR YAU Maryam taci ado sosai, tana sanye da riga da siket yan kanti masu bayyana surar ta. Duk wata baiwa ta kyau da take dashi ta bayyana. Haka ma Nusaiba taci ado sosai, sun hadu, da ka gansu kaga abunda ake nufi da yanmata adon gari. Suka jera tare har bakin titi, daga nan suka yi ma juna bye-bye. Maryam ta nufi wajen samo masu DJ, ita kuma Nusaiba ta tafi kasuwa domin yi masu siyayyar kayan party. Maryam ta karaso har studio din DJ abokinta. DJ na zaune yana hada wani sabon kida mai taushi da dadin sauraro lokacin da Maryam ta shiga shagon. Ta tsaya tana sauraren sautin kidan tare da jijjiga kai cikin gamsuwa da dadin sautin. "Kai DJ wannan sauti mai dadi haka", ta fada yayin da ta karasa inda yake. DJ yace, "Ah! Hajiya Maryam ce kenan, manyan gari". Maryam tace, "Haba DJ ai kune manya bamu ba. DJ wani taimako zaka min in zan samu...

University of Exeter Scholarships 2023 | Application Process

 Pursue your studies in UK. Good news! Applications for University of Exeter Scholarships are currently open. In this article, we will explain in detail about this scholarship program, its benefits and step by step application process. University of Exeter Scholarships 2023-2024 are partially funded scholarships for international students. These scholarships   provide the recipient with a range of full, £10,000 and £5,000 tuition fee scholarships. Global Excellence Scholarships have been created to support students wishing to develop their academic potential and contribute to our thriving University community of students and staff from over 170 countries. Global Excellence Scholarships recognize high academic achievement and assist scholars in accessing our exceptional teaching and learning, whilst taking advantage of all that University life offers to support their ambitions for the future. Scholarship Summary Level of Study: Undergraduate, Masters Institution(s): Universi...

Bond University Scholarship 2023 | Application Process

 Start your study adventure in Australia. Good news! Bond University Scholarships are currently open. In this article we will explain in detail about Bond University Scholarship, its benefits and step by step application process. Bond University Scholarships 2023-2024 are partially funded scholarships for international students. These scholarships are only offered for undergraduate degree. This Scholarship provides the Students with 50% tuition fees waiver. Bond University offers high academic achievers who are living outside of Australia and applying to study at an undergraduate level, with tuition remission scholarships. Undergraduate Excellence Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students. Scholarship Summary Level of Study:  Undergraduate Institution(s): Bond University Study in: Australia Opportunity Focus Areas: Check list below Program Period:  F...